
Weed in Hallstatt

Hallstatt is a small town found in the western part of the mountainous Salzkammergut region of Austria. An old salt mining town. Hallstatt boast an idylic picturesque view of mountains, lakes and narrow streets lined with colourful buildings. This makes it one of the most equisite places to visit in Asutria. Marijuana lovers will definitely want to smoke weed in Hallstatt before indulging in some of its outdoor activities like hiking, skiing and ice skating. Our guide brings you the best tips to scoring cannabis in Hallstatt.

Cannabis in Austria– The Legal View

Cannabis is officially illegal in Austria except by prescription. However, the recreational use of marjuana in Austria has more liberal laws. Individuals in possesion of quantities lower than the threshold amount of 20g THC usually have no problems when caught. The police hands them over to health athorithies or turn a blind eye if the user is being discreet. This is however not the case for indivuals having more than the minimum amount of weed. When caught, you will get a hefty fine or up to six months to one year imprisonment.

The penalties are much hasher for cannabis traffickers and sellers. When found in possesion of quantities significantly higher than the threshold amount you face a minimum of five years to life imprisonment.

Austrians are quite open to cannabis. The police will mind their business if you are smoking discreetly or have only a small amount of weed on you. Therefore to be on the safe side, refrain from smoking openly in the public eye or carry quantities of weed above the minimum.

Get weed in Hallstatt

Being a popular touristic destination can only mean getting weed in Hallstatt is quite easy. Some areas you might want to head to if you are looking to get your hands on some marijuana in Hallstatt include;

  • Hallstatt Salt Mine. One of the most popular attractions in the town. Cannabis dealers are sometimes hanging around the entrance to the salt mines where vistors and tourists are taken for underground tours.
  • Gruberschartenweg. A winding hiking trail that cuts through the mountains surrounding the town. It is easy to come across a dealer or a fellow hiker or backpacker smoking weed along the trail.
  • Muhlbach Waterfall. The hiking trail leading to the waterfall is another path where visitors can encounter cannabis dealers or smokers.

The quality and price of cannabis in Hallstatt varies with each individual dealer. Remember to be discreet in smoking and carry only the minimum amount of weed.

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